
Code Quality Challenge #1 - Test Coverage

Posted on Wed 01 August 2018 in Posts

The Challenge

Today's challenge is to explore the use of test coverage tools to see if you can find any shortcomings or holes in your test suite.

You (hopefully) have some unit tests in place on your project. But do you have enough tests? Are there still critical parts of your code that are untested by an automated test? How would you know?

If you use Python, the de-facto tool for answering this question is And if you're using Pytest to run your tests, then generating a coverage report is trivial:

pytest /path/to/your/tests --cov=nameofyourproject --cov-report html:/path/to/where/to/put/the/report

This will generate a HTML-based test coverage report which will show you what parts of your code are and are not covered by your test suite.

So spend 20 minutes today and see if you can bump up your test coverage just a little. Remember the goal isn't 100%, the goal is to just make an improvement to either how much coverage you have, or give some insight into how much test coverage you have.

20 minutes, go!

What I did

On my project at work we already had coverage set up to run as part of our CI pipeline. The tool itself is run inside a Docker container, the HTML report produced, and then archived as a build artifact that you can then examine on the build page for a particular build.

I used this mechanism to see what code was not yet tested. As it turned out we had a bunch of code that made use of Python Abstract Base Classes (ABC's) and had some abstract properties. The gist:

class Foo(ABC):
    def someproperty(self):

The problem is that the pass statements were being counted by Coverage, even though by definition those lines cannot be hit by a test (the whole point of an abstract method is that it can't be called, but rather has to be overridden by a child class).

The solution, add docstrings:

class Foo(ABC):
    def someproperty(self):
        """Returns the .....meaningful description here...."""

Because a docstring is a valid method body, this works as valid Python code. And coverage doesn't see a pass statement, so no count towards coverage. Lastly as a nice side benefit, now I'm better adhering to Python style guidelines which generally suggest public methods/properties should have docstrings (tools like Pylint and Pydocstyle will actually flag public methods without docstrings as warnings). Win win.

Doing this resulted in test coverage increasing around 1%.

What About You

Did you try the challenge? How'd it go? Would love to hear any feedback, comments, or observations. And if you have ideas for future challenges, please feel free to suggest them!