
Asyncio, You are a complex beast...

Posted on Sun 05 August 2018 in Posts

Recently I've been digging into Python's asyncio library which was introduced as part of Python 3.4, and iterated upon in each release since. My reasons for learning about it are work-related, but I thought it'd be interesting/insightful to share things I've learned here, partly to share with the world (as the docs for asyncio are rather...terse) as well as reinforce what I've managed to figure out.

This is likely going to be long, as there's a lot to learn & know about asyncio.

Some context: I never used Twisted, nor have I done really much/any asynchronous programming (except for multithreaded or multiprocessed code if you count that). As such, most of this was entirely new for me.

Basic Definitions

To talk about asyncio, you need to talk about coroutines. To talk about coroutines, you need to talk about generators. To talk about generators, you need to talk about the yield statement. Rather than regurgitate all this, I'm going to point you at a phenomenal post by Brett Cannon (one of the Python core devs) that gives all this background info:

That post is largely about the async/await keywords introduced in Python 3.5, but Brett does a phenomenal job of painstakingly going through the fundamentals of coroutines, generators, etc. Please do give this a read before continuing on (I know it's long, but really worth it).

I'm not going to go into too much detail talking about what asynchronous programming is, or why you might want to do it, instead I'll point you at these resources:

These videos are also quite good (though can be long):

Some of the key ideas to take away from those:

  • asyncio is an implementation of an event loop that coroutines can be scheduled on
  • async and await are keywords added for convenience sake to make coroutines easier
  • asynchronous programming with asyncio means "single threaded concurrency"

That last point is really key: with asyncio only one thread is in play. You get the concurrency via cooperative multitasking between coroutines (ie when one blocks on IO you switch to another while the previous one is waiting). This has a few implications.

One of those is if your code is CPU bound you're not going to get any perf benefit from asyncio. This is true of threads as well because of the GIL, but not for multiprocessing (if that's possible for your problem, though at the expense of complexity, safety, and resources).

Another is because it's all single-threaded it can be easier to reason about, and nasty problems like race conditions tend to be less common.

Hello World As A Coroutine

Or "How the %@#@ do I even run a coroutine?" This is the first spot where I feel a very real pain with asyncio -- it feels like there's multiple ways to do basically the same thing, but that vary slightly leading to lots of cognitive load in using the library. But a basic example:

import asyncio

async def helloworld():
    print("Hello world from a coroutine!")

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Breaking this down:

  • the async keyword (new in Python 3.5) makes helloworld() a coroutine
  • the call to get_event_loop() gets us an event loop we can schedule this coroutine on
  • the call to run_until_complete() does a few things:
    • schedules the helloworld() coroutine to run on the loop
    • yields control to the event loop scheduler
    • the event loop then picks up that scheduled coroutine & switches control to it
    • the coroutine executes, prints the message and then returns control back to the loop
    • the loop then switches control back to the main() routine

And then the program continues on its merry (synchronous) way.

It's worth noting that "scheduling a coroutine" can be done many different ways. run_until_complete() will do it implicitly with a coroutine by wrapping it in a Future & scheduling it, but there are others:


... or ...


And probably others I'm not thinking of. The idea is that run_until_complete gets a Future and it runs that Future to completion. If given a coroutine it'll wrap it in a Future before running. wait() takes a collection of Futures and returns a Future representing the completion of all those sub-Future's. Much like run_until_complete, if it's given a coroutine it'll wrap it in a Future (well, technically Tasks, but those are subclasses of Future). gather() is similar in that you give it "a bunch of tasks", but takes either coroutines or Future's. There's also some very subtle differences between gather() and wait() in terms of cancellation ability, return values, etc.

There's other ways to schedule tasks as well. In Python 3.7 there's a new create_task routine in asyncio that schedules a task, but requires that you're executing in a running event loop. For example to trigger a coroutine to run from within a coroutine:

async def helloworld():
    print("Hello world from a coroutine!")

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Runs the helloworld() coroutine twice. It's also worth noting that asyncio.create_task (introduced in 3.7) is not the same thing as AbstractEventLoop.create_task though serves largely the same purpose. The previous example using create_task could also be written as:

async def helloworld():
    print("Hello world from a coroutine!")

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

It appears as though asyncio.create_task() is just shorthand to save you the call to get_event_loop().

Note that doing asyncio.create_task from in main() would be an error:

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    asyncio.create_task(helloworld())   # gives "RuntimeError: no running event loop"

But loop.create_task is fine (though unless the loop is run the task will never be executed):

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Initially the call to asyncio.create_task(helloworld()) within helloworld() puzzled me as I assumed that would result in infinite scheduling of the task, but we only see the message get printed twice. So what's up with that? I asked on StackOverflow and the gist is that what happens is that run_until_complete() means "run until this coroutine I'm giving you is done and then stop the event loop". So helloworld() gets run once, it schedules another run of it on the event loop. This then schedules another run, but because the first run (from the run_until_complete) is now done, the loop is stopped and control returned.

You can use this for a neat trick, for example if we want to run a co-routine repeatedly for 2 seconds:

async def helloworld():
    print("Hello world from a coroutine!")

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(helloworld(), asyncio.sleep(2)))

In terms of the "hey make the event loop run the stuff", there's kinda two basic approaches. The first is run_until_complete() which just runs the task/coroutine/whatever until it's done and returns control, and the second is run_forever which runs until something calls stop() on the event loop. An example of run_forever:

async def start():
    while True:
        print("in start")
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


Note that this truly does run forever. Any call to run_forever() will cause the current thread to yield control to the event loop, and that event loop will continue to keep control until something executes a .stop() on the event loop.

run_forever() seems to be a tricky construct to get right. Googling around I had a lot of difficulty finding any examples of run_forever() that seemed to show how to (in a single threaded application) use it. The common approach I saw was to do the run_forever() in a separate thread:

import time
import asyncio
from threading import Thread

async def start():
    while True:
        print("in start")
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

def run_it_forever(loop):

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    thread = Thread(target=run_it_forever, args=(loop,))


This will run the start() coroutine in an event loop which is running in a subthread, and after 5 seconds the main thread will stop the loop, and then exit.

One thing to note here: suddenly now we've given up one of the primary benefits of asyncio. This is no longer a single threaded, easy to reason about program, but now with multiple threads, suddenly we've introduced all the complexity of multithreaded programming just to get our event loop running indefinitely.

There's a lot of notes in the docs about how you have to be careful about mixing asyncio and multiple threads. I'll point you at the (not so great but all we have) docs:

Again, this is some of the pain of asyncio, knowing what to use where.

"Infinite" co-routines

Sometimes you want to have a coroutine that is effectively "always running in the background". The classic example is something that reads stuff off of some shared memory (like a queue) and do some sort of background processing with each item.

Some boilerplate code that I'll assume is present in each example:

import asyncio
import random
import functools

# make the print function always flush output immediately
# without this you'll find nothing gets printed until program
# end when suddenly all output is printed at once
print = functools.partial(print, flush=True)

# A message to indicate end of processing, the purpose of this
# will become clear in the examples
END_OF_QUEUE = "This is the end...  This value doesn't actually matter so long as it's not a possible real value to go in the queue"

asyncio provides a Queue implementation that allows for asynchronously yielding control when doing a put() or get(). A basic example of a co-routine that loops waiting on a queue:

async def queue_coro(queue):
    while True:
        message = await queue.get()
        if message == END_OF_QUEUE:
            print(f"This is the end my friend....")
        print(f"Got message: {message}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    queue = asyncio.Queue()
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    loop.run_until_complete(queue.put("foobar is another!"))



Got message: foobar!
Got message: foobar is another!
This is the end my friend....

Description: we put two items on the queue, and then the special END_OF_QUEUE value which acts as a sentinel value to indicate that processing is done and the coroutine consuming items from the queue should quit. We then queue up that consumer coroutine & run it.

Note if you put that END_OF_QUEUE after the queue_coro then it goes forever. Remember that the event loop is single threaded, so until something finishes or yields control, it'll keep running.

We can expand this to a basic producer/consumer example:

async def producer(queue):
    while True:
        emit_me = random.randint(1, 42)
        if emit_me == 42:
            print("At the end")
            msg = f"Emitting {emit_me}"
            # simulate some IO time
            await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0, 0.5))
            await queue.put(msg)

    await queue.put(END_OF_QUEUE)

async def consumer(queue):
    while True:
        message = await queue.get()
        if message == END_OF_QUEUE:
            print(f"This is the end my friend....")
        print(f"Got message: {message}")
        # simulate some IO time
        await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0, 1.0))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    queue = asyncio.Queue()
    loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(producer(queue), consumer(queue)))

Output will vary since values produced are randomly generated, but as an example:

Emitting 38
Emitting 35
Got message: Emitting 38
Emitting 29
Emitting 6
Got message: Emitting 35
Emitting 30
Emitting 14
Got message: Emitting 29
Emitting 20
Emitting 24
Emitting 19
Got message: Emitting 6
Emitting 30
Got message: Emitting 30
Got message: Emitting 14
Emitting 24
Emitting 5
Got message: Emitting 20
Got message: Emitting 24
Emitting 10
Got message: Emitting 19
Emitting 35
Emitting 23
Emitting 18
Got message: Emitting 30
Got message: Emitting 24
Emitting 31
Emitting 5
Emitting 39
Got message: Emitting 5
Got message: Emitting 10
Emitting 29
Emitting 24
Emitting 34
Got message: Emitting 35
Emitting 30
Emitting 31
Got message: Emitting 23
Emitting 31
Emitting 1
Emitting 36
Got message: Emitting 18
Emitting 20
Got message: Emitting 31
Emitting 12
Got message: Emitting 5
At the end
Got message: Emitting 39
Got message: Emitting 29
Got message: Emitting 24
Got message: Emitting 34
Got message: Emitting 30
Got message: Emitting 31
Got message: Emitting 31
Got message: Emitting 1
Got message: Emitting 36
Got message: Emitting 20
Got message: Emitting 12
This is the end my friend....

The idea here is that the producer is generating values at a rate that is faster than the consumer can consume (hence the asyncio sleep call in the range 0 to 0.5 seconds, whereas the consumer sleeps in the range 0 to 1 seconds). This is why we see the "emitting" messages appearing at a greater rate than the "Got message" messages, and then after seeing "At the end", which is when the producer has found 42 and terminates, we then see the consumer then go ahead and consume any remaining items that have been enqueued.

Note that those sleep calls are critical, try taking them out and you'll see output looks like:

Emitting 17
Emitting 20
Emitting 24
Emitting 2
Emitting 29
At the end
Got message: Emitting 17
Got message: Emitting 20
Got message: Emitting 24
Got message: Emitting 2
Got message: Emitting 29
This is the end my friend....

That is, the producer keeps producing until 42 is found, and then the consumer consumes everything. The reason for this is that the asyncio.sleep() call will yield control (it's effectively an I/O operation). Remember: asyncio is single threaded concurrency, without those sleep calls what happens is the item is put on the queue in the producer, then control immediately returned to the producer, which loops and produces the next value, etc.

Note that this is a neat trick, if your intent in a coroutine is to yield control to something else you can always do a asyncio.sleep(0) which pauses the coroutine returning control back to the event loop, which then schedules the next task and passes control to it.

Testing Antipatterns

Another significant challenge with asyncio is around testing. Firstly there isn't a lot of great support yet for testing asyncio code (there is a pytest-asyncio package which offers a few decorators & such, but I haven't found it to be particularly helpful/useful yet).

I'll refer to you another post by Miguel Grinberg on Unit Testing AsyncIO Code where he discusses some of the challenges testing async code and approaches to solving them. Miguel's a smart cookie who's most known for the Flask Mega-Tutorial which is something of the defacto way to learn Flask.

In addition, one gotcha I ran into not mentioned by Miguel was related to get_event_loop(). If you have code that say gets an event loop through get_event_loop(), does some processing, and then stops that event loop, that can cause subsequent tests to fail if they also use get_event_loop().

For example:

def thing_im_testing(some_argument):
    loop = get_event_loop()
    result = loop.run_until_complete(some_coroutine(some_argument))
    return result

def test_the_thing():
    loop = get_event_loop()

    result = thing_im_testing("some value")


def test_the_thing_a_different_way():
    result = thing_im_testing("some value")

This is contrived, but sometimes test_the_thing_a_different_way() will pass, and sometimes it will fail depending on the order the tests were run. Generally speaking having test order matter is an anti-pattern and a strong indicator of a bad test.

Best practice: use a fixture or setup/teardown to create a fresh event loop with a call to new_event_loop() per test to ensure tests do their async stuff in isolation.

It Is a Complex Beast

There's a now rather famous post by Armin Ronacher (the person who created Flask, Jinja, and so many other seminal Python projects) talking about the complexities of asyncio. It's an extremely well-written and sobering post from someone who's been in at the core of the Python community for a long time now. Give it a read at:

It's worth noting that that post was written pre-Python 3.6, but after Python 3.5 (when async/await were introduced).

Thus far for me I'd echo a similar sentiment about asyncio, for trivial toy examples it makes sense. For example, if I have a function that needs to hit 3 separate REST API endpoints, it's really easy to use asyncio to make those calls into coroutines, and execute them concurrently with a run_until_complete() saving some time and avoiding the overhead of threads/processes. Having said that, once you get past the little toy examples, figuring out all the subtle differences in the various methods across AbstractEventLoops, the asyncio module, Futures, Tasks, etc, it gets really heavy really fast from a cognitive load point of view.

This is already one of my longest posts, and I barely scratched the surface, I didn't talk at all (or even start looking into) protocols or transports, or streams. I also didn't get into how the async aspect of the library tends to "leak" all throughout your code, which (going back to the testing issue) can be a real impediment to forward progress.

Like Armin said, "It's hard to comprehend how it works in all details. When you can pass a generator, when it has to be a real coroutine, what futures are, what tasks are, how the loop works and that did not even come to the actual IO part." There's real promise with asyncio, but the complexity cost of using it currently is extremely high.